A New Journey.

The road ahead seemed dark. There was no sign of a new destination. Yet it is necessary to walk.

The walk of life.

Sitting at one place won’t do any good to you. Sitting and contemplating life won’t make it better. In order to make your life and to love it and be proud of it, you need to get up and walk.

And by walk I don’t mean just walk. It means work hard towards making your life. Do things that you love and things that you are good at. Don’t do things just because you have to do it.

And when you decide to work towards the betterment of your life you don’t need anyone’s permission. Just do your thing and excel at it.

I always wanted to write. My goal in life was to become a journalist and write columns. But somehow I couldn’t make it. I became an engineer an exceptional one indeed. But I excelled at that too, because I learnt to embrace things positively.

It just goes like this, if things don’t go according to our will, we just loose hold of everything. We start hating everything around us. We start ignoring the consequences. We start contemplating people around us. In short we start hating our lives. But that’s not how it goes. Firstly, learn to love yourself. Secondly, learn to love whatever you do. And last but not the least do what you love. In any condition and in any situation learn to fulfil your dream and start working towards it.As for me it’s just a step towards my dream.

Way to go.😊

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