I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men, they are far superior and always have been.- William Golding

I come from a family where a girl or women has to be very conservative in whatever she does.

In every other household, girls are not taught to be bold and brave. Instead we teach our girls “SHAME”.

From closing their legs while sitting, to covering themselves from head to toe. We make them feel as though being born female they’re already guilty of something. Girls like these grow up to be women who cannot say they have their own dreams and desires.

I was never amongst them. I was a REBEL. Till a point in my life, I was also under the influence of all these barriers. But then came a point in my life where I wanted to be free. I wanted to do my thing and do it my way. And guess what I did it. I conquered everything I wanted. I would not say I am on the peak, but I am not far from my peak.

There are so many issues that need a highlight but let’s take one of the most common one.

PERIODS/ MENSTRUATION. Another big taboo for girls/women in our society.

Girls on their period are called “Impure” in our society. I want to ask why? Are we the creation of the devil? Why girls are not allowed to enter places of worship while they are on their periods? Why they are not allowed to talk about it in public? Why they are always taught to be ashamed of it?

For you who gave birth to me and to you who wants to marry me, listen carefully; there is nothing about me that is impure every month. I’ll talk as much as I want to about it. I will cook as many meals I like and enter as many places of worship I want to.

For those 7 days, may be it’s you who should keep your impure selves out of my kitchen, my place of worship, my place of work and come back only when you are ready to accept my body.

I will never accept my sanitary napkins in newspapers and black polythene’s- there’s much shit in that than I as a woman could ever produce. And if you try to silent me, I will scream louder.

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