
So, today is the twenty second day of this lockdown. Yesterday that is (14/04/2020) we all got the news that the lockdown is to be extended till the 3rd of May. To be honest everything inside me just broke a little more. This lockdown is the longest I have been away from my family.

I will complete 2years in the next 2days of living independently away from my homies. But this is the life that I chose, so I am not complaining.

It’s just that I have never been away from them for such a long time at a stretch. Thanks to the staff travel, I used to visit them every 8-10days be it only for 2 days but I used to go. But anyway instead of cribbing I decided to use this time in hand for self development.

To start off is the routine I follow.

After I get up the first thing I do is drink water. After that I fresh up, do my breakfast and regular household chores and then shower. After shower I decide what to cook. After all this is done, I sit on my study table and decide, “Aj kya productive kiya jaaye?”.

Some days I read. Some days I write. Some days I draw/colour. Some days I just study. Some days I’m only on my phone playing games going through the social media. Some days I cook my self a sumptuous meal and enjoy it. Fun fact I satisfy all my cravings by actually cooking rather than just ordering.

But some days are really bad. Because it’s the anxiety that kicks in really bad. That day I’m just on my bed for the whole day doing nothing and just staring at something or the other. The urge to be at home. The urge to be with my siblings and being happy with them or annoying them. The urge to eat food cooked by mom.

But after all this I feel really blessed that I have a house with all the basic amenities and good food to it. Because after all life is all about being positive.

So every day before going to bed I say this to myself , “I’m gonna rock this lockdown”.

That’s all folks.

Stay home. Stay safe. Stay sanitised.

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